Prayer Beads

“Winter’s kiss draws us down deep. We are not alone. We dare to embrace mystery.” (Our Prayer Bead repeater lines)

As a community, we revere a set of group prayer beads. This prayer was conceived at Winter Witchcamp 2005. It was prayerfully strung in the waning days of autumn from beads and words contributed by members throughout the community.

The first community reading was at Winter Witchcamp 2006. We say this prayer together to open and close each Winter Witchcamp.


Download the full Prayer Bead prayer (a PDF document of the Winter Witchcamp Prayer Bead prayer, with photos of each bead. You will need a copy of Adobe’s PDF Reader to view the file. You may download Adobe Reader here.)

Guidelines for Prayer Beads 2005

The Original Guidelines for our Beloved Pagan Prayer Beads