We, the organizers of Winter Witchcamp honor the lives of Heather Heyer of Charlottesvill, VA; and Taliesin Myrddin Namkai Meche and Ricky John Best of Portland, OR. These three people died when they stood up to white supremacist hatred in their communities. We honor the lives of all of those who have been inured by racism. What is remembered, lives.
We embrace the Reclaiming Principles of Unity. We honor the Reclaiming Tradition’s core values, including caring for the environment and our families and communities, and embracing diversity of all kinds, including diversity of gender and sexual orientation. We honor the Runes and the Norse Mysteries. We are aware that some who honor those Mysteries are also white supremacist. We definitively do not align with those beliefs and work toward social justice as well as honoring diversity and multiplicity in all of its forms in our tradition.
As many in our Camp community are deeply connected to Norse spirituality, we want to make clear that we oppose white supremacism and fascism. As a fierce and loving community who honors the goddess Freyja, we support all of those who take direct action to end racism in themselves and their communities.