Schedule 2025

ONSITE Camper Schedule: View the onsite schedule grid (onsite campers will receive a paper copy at registration)

ONLINE Camper Schedules are below in list form, shown in several different time zones (CST, EST, MST, PST, BRT). Or VIew the ONLINE schedule grid in CST.

2025 Winter Witchcamp schedule for Online Campers – CST (Central Standard Time)

Friday, Feb 7:

1-1:30pm = Bower Opening Blessing

3-3:45pm = New Camper Orientation

4-5:15pm = All Camper Welcome

6:15-6:30pm = Ritual Conspiracy

7:30-9:30pm = Ritual

10pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Feb 8, 9, 10) same schedule each day:

9am-12pm = Path: Hybrid (2 hybrid path options: “Delving into the roots: Priestexing from the heart of our bright and dark shadows” OR “Elements of Magick: Roots Down, Branches Up (and Out!)”)

10:30-11:30am = Online Affinity Group (Option 1, for those taking later Path)

11:45am-2:45pm = Path: Online Path (“Solarpunk Pentacle: Rooting in Resilience and Possibility”)

2:45-3:45pm = Optional Offerings

4-5:15pm = Saturday: Bower Welcome Ritual, Sunday: Principles of Accountability Meeting, Monday:  All-Camp Meeting & Feedback

5:15-6:15pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 2)

6:15-6:30 = Ritual Conspiracy

7:30-9:30pm = Ritual

10pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Tuesday, Feb 11:

10:30am-12pm = Closing Ritual

12-12:30pm = Online Camper Reflections and Goodbyes

Winter Witchcamp schedule for Online Campers – EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Friday, Feb 7:

2-2:30pm = Bower Opening Blessing

4-4:45pm = New Camper Orientation

5-6:15pm = All Camper Welcome

7:15-7:30pm = Ritual Conspiracy

8:30-10:30pm = Ritual

11pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Feb 8, 9, 10) same schedule each day:

10am-1pm = Path: Hybrid (2 hybrid path options: “Delving into the roots: Priestexing from the heart of our bright and dark shadows” OR “Elements of Magick: Roots Down, Branches Up (and Out!)”)

11:30am-12:30pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 1)

12:45-3:45pm = Path: Online Path (“Solarpunk Pentacle: Rooting in Resilience and Possibility”)

3:45-4:45pm = Optional Offerings

5-6:15pm = Saturday: Bower Welcome Ritual, Sunday: Principles of Accountability Meeting, Monday:  All-Camp Meeting & Feedback

6:15-7:15pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 2)

7:15-7:30 = Ritual Conspiracy

8:30-10:30pm = Ritual

11pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Tuesday, Feb 11:

11:30am-1pm = Closing Ritual

1-1:30pm = Online Camper Reflections and Goodbyes

Winter Witchcamp schedule for Online Campers – MST (Mountain Standard Time)

Friday, Feb 7:

12-12:30pm = Bower Opening Blessing

2-2:45pm = New Camper Orientation

3-4:15pm = All Camper Welcome

5:15-5:30pm = Ritual Conspiracy

6:30-8:30pm = Ritual

9pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Feb 8, 9, 10) same schedule each day:

8-11am = Path: Hybrid (2 hybrid path options: “Delving into the roots: Priestexing from the heart of our bright and dark shadows” OR “Elements of Magick: Roots Down, Branches Up (and Out!)”)

9:30-10:30am = Online Affinity Group (Option 1, for those taking later Path)

10:45am-1:45pm = Path: Online Path (“Solarpunk Pentacle: Rooting in Resilience and Possibility”)

1:45-2:45pm = Optional Offerings

3-4:15pm = Saturday: Bower Welcome Ritual, Sunday: Principles of Accountability Meeting, Monday:  All-Camp Meeting & Feedback

4:15-5:15pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 2)

5:15-5:30 = Ritual Conspiracy

6:30-8:30pm = Ritual

9pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Tuesday, Feb 11:

9:30-11am = Closing Ritual

11-11:30am = Online Camper Reflections and Goodbyes

Winter Witchcamp schedule for Online Campers – PST (Pacific Standard Time)

Friday, Feb 7:

11-11:30am = Bower Opening Blessing

1-1:45pm = New Camper Orientation

2-3:15pm = All Camper Welcome

4:15-4:30pm = Ritual Conspiracy

5:30-7:30pm = Ritual

8pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Feb 8, 9, 10) same schedule each day:

7-10am = Path: Hybrid (2 hybrid path options: “Delving into the roots: Priestexing from the heart of our bright and dark shadows” OR “Elements of Magick: Roots Down, Branches Up (and Out!)”)

8:30-9:30am = Online Affinity Group (Option 1, for those taking later Path)

9:45am-12:45pm = Path: Online Path (“Solarpunk Pentacle: Rooting in Resilience and Possibility”)

12:45-1:45pm = Optional Offerings

2-3:15pm = Saturday: Bower Welcome Ritual, Sunday: Principles of Accountability Meeting, Monday:  All-Camp Meeting & Feedback

3:15-4:15pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 2)

4:15-4:30 = Ritual Conspiracy

5:30-7:30pm = Ritual

8pm-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Tuesday, Feb 11:

8:30-10am = Closing Ritual

10-10:30pm = Online Camper Reflections and Goodbyes

Winter Witchcamp schedule for Online Campers – BRT (Brasilia Time)

Friday, Feb 7:

4-4:30pm = Bower Opening Blessing

6-6:45pm = New Camper Orientation

7-8:15pm = All Camper Welcome

9:15-9:30pm = Ritual Conspiracy

10:30pm-12:30am = Ritual

1am-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Saturday, Sunday, and Monday (Feb 8, 9, 10) same schedule each day:

12-3pm = Path: Hybrid (2 hybrid path options: “Delving into the roots: Priestexing from the heart of our bright and dark shadows” OR “Elements of Magick: Roots Down, Branches Up (and Out!)”)

1:30-2:30pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 1)

2:45-5:45pm = Path: Online Path (“Solarpunk Pentacle: Rooting in Resilience and Possibility”)

5:45-6:45pm = Optional Offerings

7-7:15pm = Saturday: Bower Welcome Ritual, Sunday: Principles of Accountability Meeting, Monday:  All-Camp Meeting & Feedback

7:15-8:15pm = Online Affinity Group (Option 2)

9:15-9:30 = Ritual Conspiracy

10:30pm-12:30am = Ritual

1am-? = Bower & other late Optional Offerings

Tuesday, Feb 11:

1:30-3pm = Closing Ritual

3-3:30pm = Online Camper Reflections and Goodbyes